
It’s Memorial Day in America, a wonderful time of year to assess our progress thus far, and plan action for the rest of 2013. After this week, there will be seven months left in the year. But we’ll blink, and summer and it’s many activities will be over, and we’ll suddenly find ourselves with just a few months to go before year’s end.

Sit down today or tomorrow for 30 minutes or less and take stock of what has worked well for you this year. Plan to do more of that. Consider what hasn’t gone well, and decide if you will abandon it or adjust it. But don’t just keep doing it. What have you been putting off? Why have you been putting it off?  Decide right now if you will start doing it, this week, or take it off your list so it stops tormenting you.  What do you want to accomplish during the remainder of 2013? What action will you take this week to get there?

Don’t make long lists, which, ironically, prevent action. Rather, plan action, and execute it in short order.

This piece ran in my Evangelist Marketing Minute short-form newsletter, which you can receive every Monday morning for free by signing up here.