The Evangelist Marketing Minute is a weekly thinking launch point that is always short enough to read in about 60 seconds. It covers marketing, branding, positioning, language, and public relations. Your email address is never shared, with anybody, for any reason.

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If thinking informs behavior, then mindset informs marketing. That is, whether you’re with a startup or a Fortune 500 conglomerate, powerful marketing requires the right mindset:

Unwavering belief in the value of your product or service: You must communicate at least as positively as your clients and customers communicate about you. Amazingly, when they first come to me, nearly all of my clients think less of themselves than their customers think of them.

No doubt: The most successful marketers — think Apple and Amazon (but not RIM and HP) — don’t suffer from self-doubt. There are no confidence issues.

Shamelessness: Strong language filled with the powerful adjectives and life (or company) improvements. The best way to get at this language is to ask your customers how they think and talk about you.

Activity: A focus on action instead of analysis, execution instead of perfection. It’ll never be perfect, so act when it’s good enough.

Reslience: Failed campaign? Poor response? Tomorrow, you try again. Of course, resilience is easier when the campaign doesn’t cost millions. (And most of the recommendations and plans I create and implement for clients involve effort and attention far more than cash.)

If Maslow had a hierarchy or marketing, these mindset elements would be at the base of the pyramid. Without them, the marketing is average, regular, and rarely rises above the level of ambient noise.

New Offering: My new Evangelist Marketing Master Class sends immediately practical articles, video, and audio into your inbox each month. My singular goal: to dramatically improve your marketing and grow your business with powerful marketing strategies and techniques. Seven new learning tools each month. $99 before October 1, $150 thereafter. (That’s the for the entire year, not monthly.) Details and registration here.

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